Mastering Fear with former Navy SEAL, Brandon Webb

After serving in the SEAL Teams for almost a decade as well as running one of the best sniper programs in the world, I got out of the Navy, started a business and lost everything. My entire life savings were gone and then my wife asked me for a divorce. To say it was a low point in my life would be an understatement. I lost it all, and because I wasn't afraid to confront my fear of failure, I built a second business that's valued at over $100M today. I did this because I understand how to face and harness fear as an advantage. I learned the value of facing and overcoming internal fear as a 16 year old kid who left home and reinforced this later with my experience as a U.S. Navy SEAL. I faced my own fears such as public speaking, heights, financial security and, relationships over and over until I made it a habit to confront fear and use it to my advantage. Once you do this you can unlock massive potential. This is the one secret I discuss in depth in my book, Mastering Fear.